04 July 2024
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In February a group of Transition Year students took part in the Model UN event at Wesley College, Dublin. Student, Jack Reams shared his experiences of the 2 day Model UN. “On the 23rd of February a group of students including myself embarked on a journey we will never forget by attending the annual Model…read article
The Importance of Giving A celebration of those who have given to Clongowes past and present took place on Sunday 10th December at Clongowes as part of our annual Mass of Thanksgiving for Benefactors. The role of giving has always been of great importance in the story of Clongowes allowing the school to develop and…read article
Renowned storyteller Niall de Burca captivated, thrilled and scared our Third Line students on Thursday evening, Oct 21st. In Room 3 drawn curtains and muted lighting, with low level spotlights, set the atmosphere. But it was De Burca’s sonorous voice and hypnotic presence that transported the boys from Clongowes to the realms of other worlds,…read article
Clongowes Transition Year art students Eoin, Benedikt, Alfonso, Javier, Cyril, Liam, Daniel & Allen undertook the grand task of painting a Laudoto Si mural in the Irish Jesuits International Garden in Dublin earlier this month. The students worked with Syrian fine artist, Manar Al-Shouha, to commission a mural of their design to represent Laudoto Si,…read article
Last week saw Toby Griffin deliver the final Academy of the school year. It was only fitting that the Academy 2021/2022 was brought to a close by its standing President. Toby began by thanking the students and staff members with special mention to Fr Michael Sheil SJ and Fr Barney McGukian SJ from…read article
On Thursday 7th of April, James Wyse took to the Academy stage with a fascinating and detailed presentation entitled “Robert Mugabe: Liberator or Destroyer?”. James provided an in-depth profile on the Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician, Robert Mugabe, in terms, not only, of the historical record, but also the toll ‘the colonialist mentality’ took on the…read article
On Tuesday 22nd March the Academy returned with a very interesting paper from Benoit Clarke (Poetry) entitled: The Flame of the French resistance in WW2 To remind those that may be unfamiliar with the Academy: The Academy was set up by Fr Hilary Lawton SJ, Prefect of Studies, back in the 1950s as a modern-day…read article
On Tuesday 8th March, Georóid Ryan, delivered his Academy presentation entitled: ‘Famine:Bengal & Ireland Compared‘. It’s clear that Georóid’s research for his Academy was extensive, detailing the origins and impacts of two tragic world events and exploring those aspects that are mirrored across both. To provide some background on The Clongowes Academy for those that…read article
To mark the 140th anniversary of the birth of James Joyce, Fr Bruce Bradley SJ shares an insight into life at Clongowes during Joyce’s time at the school: James Joyce was a student at Clongowes Wood College near Clane, in Co. Kildare, for three years and a term, from the autumn of 1888 until just…read article
On Tuesday, Henry McCallum took to the Academy stage; the first of the Poetry Academy members this year to present to the assembled staff and students. To provide some background on The Clongowes Academy for those that are unfamiliar: The Academy was set up by Fr Hilary Lawton, Prefect of Studies, back in the 1950s…read article