Model UN | Private School Dublin | Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 22nd March 2024

a group of smartly dressed teenage boys sitting around a table

In February a group of Transition Year students took part in the Model UN event at Wesley College, Dublin.  Student, Jack Reams shared his experiences of the 2 day Model UN.

“On the 23rd of February a group of students including myself embarked on a journey we will never forget by attending the annual Model United Nations conference hosted by Wesley College in Dublin. It was our first ever MUN conference so we didn’t know what to expect but quite quickly got the swing of things.  We arrived and were greeted with over 500 delegates from all over Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Greece and many more countries. Clongowes was representing Sudan for this conference so we had to prepare resolutions for topics such as the environmental impacts of military operations, the role of social media in terrorist recruiting and mitigating the effects of the chernobyl disaster to name a few. 

Firstly we began lobbying and shortly after the debate started, A delegate would read their resolution, amendments could be submitted  and then an overall vote would take place to determine if the resolution will pass or fail. MUN is a very formal event that attracts many young people who are interested in primarily the topic of Politics (from a UN Perspective) and it is very difficult at times as you are surrounded by very intelligent students who are very experienced in it, but by standing up and speaking on behalf of your given country you get to indulge in the experience and mainly have a bit of fun. The lads from Clongowes really enjoyed participating in MUN this year and we hope to make it a bigger tradition in the school and attend more conferences. “


Jack Reams, Transition Year


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