12 February 2025
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We held our first Inter-House Literary Quiz yesterday evening, Mon 11th of March. The ten Houses were each represented by a team of six, one student from each year. Questions were based primarily on the World Book Day Writes of Passage, http://worldbookday.com/writes-of-passage/, fifty of the most popular teen and young adult reads as voted…read article
On Thursday 5th December the Headmaster, Fr Leonard Moloney announced the results of the Catching Fire Literacy and Art Competition, organised by the James Joyce Library in conjunction with the Art and English departments. Participants in the competition designed a new cover for the book Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, which has recently been adapted…read article
When Mr.Rochford told the 6th year history class that we would be receiving a talk by Tim Pat Coogan, the reaction was mixed. Some were amazed that he, being a Blackrock man, would actually come and speak to us, some were looking forward to an enjoyable talk, while others saw it as an opportunity to…read article
[easyrotator]erf_65_1351094989/erf_75_1359156379/erc_64_1362949162[/easyrotator] DEAR – Wed 6th of Mar In celebration of World Book Week we ran our second ever DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) event on Wed 6th Mar. In addition to teaching staff it was also supported by auxiliary staff who joined Fr Moloney and Mr Shalvey’s Element’s English class in the library. The other…read article
In celebration of World Book Week, a D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read) event is being organised by the James Joyce Library. On Wed 6th of March the normal timetable will be dropped at 10.30am when students and staff will read books, magazines or newspapers of their own choosing. The success of a similar event last…read article
The Book Bingo Reading Challenge is underway. It has been devised and launched by the James Joyce Library in co-operation with Third Line teachers of English. This literacy initiative is loosely based on the game Bingo. Numbers have been replaced by reading challenges e.g. A novel featuring a lot of science and technology, A novel…read article