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Clongowes Life 2022 Edition

7th July 2022

We hope you enjoy our latest copy of Clongowes Life.  Our school magazine that brings you through some of our events and news from the 2021 -2022 academic year!  

Richard Robinson 1920-2019

9th July 2021

The Foundation and College are deeply grateful to the late Richard (Dick), Robinson who in his will, generously bequeathed a substantial legacy to the Foundation.  Born in 1920, Dick lived into his 100th year. Richard Robinson of Newberry Hall, Carbury, County Kildare, attended Clongowes between 1932 and 1938, where his uncle Fr. Mathias Bodkin S.J….read article

Duck Push 2020 – Thank You

28th October 2020

As Autumn closes in and Summer weather gives way to crisp afternoons and frosty mornings we are handing the Duck Push batton over to Syntax 2021.  We want to thank everyone who supported us during this year’s fundraising drive for a covid testing machine. We thank our prefects and teachers, parents and guardians, students, friends,…read article

Clongowes Foundation 15 Year Anniversary

12th October 2020

The end of 2019 marked the 15 Year anniversary of the creation of the Clongowes Wood College Foundation.  Those fifteen years have been an extraordinarily active period for the Foundation as it worked together with the management and the board of the School to renew and expand the campus and to extend access, through the…read article

Launch of the Alberto Hurtado Endowment Fund

3rd February 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Pictured L – R: AHP Committee Members: Deputy Headmaster of Clongowes Wood College; Mr. Martin Wallace, Ms. Angela O’Donnell, Ms. Liz Griffin, Mr. Adam McNulty, Ms. Ger Ryan (Chair).   The official launch of the Alberto Hurtado Endowment Fund (AHEF) took place in the Merrion Hotel, Dublin, on Tuesday the 28th of January 2020. The…read article

Invitation to the The Alberto Hurtado Endowment Fund Launch

6th January 2020

The Alberto Hurtado Endowment Fund Launch Event will take place on Tuesday the 28th of January 2020 at the Merrion Hotel, Dublin 2. The Alberto Hurtado Endowment Fund is an externally managed, permanent fund, whose objective is to secure the funding of the Alberto Hurtado Programme (AHP) which was launched in 2007. The AHP is…read article

NYC Reunion

17th October 2019

A reunion of Old Clongownians who currently reside in North America took place on Saturday the 28th of September at the National Arts Club on Gramercy Park in New York City. The dinner was attended by just short of 50 people of which, 32 were past pupils of the College. The incoming President of the…read article

Fr Peter Kenney Day

16th May 2019

Fr. Rector Michael Sheil SJ OC ’56 invites all Old Clongownians who have left Clongowes forty years ago or more and a guest to join him for the annual Fr Peter Kenney Day on Wednesday, 19th June, 2019 from 10am-3pm. To mark the Centenary of the First Dáil there will be an informative talk by…read article

An Oldest Clongownian

12th June 2018

Clongowes Wood College wishes Dr Diarmuid O’Driscoll (pictured in the middle) every happiness on this his 100th birthday. Diarmuid came to Clongowes in 1930 and was happy to avail of the NUI matriculation in 1935 to leave at the end of Poetry and to study medicine without having to sit his Leaving Certificate. In those days,…read article

A Farewell to Teaching

6th June 2018

On Wednesday, 30th May Mr Declan O’Keeffe taught his last class in Clongowes Wood College having taught his first in September 1981. Before he left Declan addressed the staff and pupils at the final assembly of the year… I first came to work in Clongowes Wood College in a previous century before any of the current…read article

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