12 February 2025
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The Clongowes Alumnus of the Year Award recognises outstanding Old Clongownians who are one or more of the following: Inspirational Transformational Socially responsible Innovative Entrepreneurial Outstanding in their chosen area Fr. Peter McVerry SJ (OC ’62) was the inaugural recipient of the Clongowes Alumnus of the Year Award in 2015. Fr McVerry emphasised that he was…read article
This morning our Pastoral Co-Ordinator, Ms Anne Marie Dolan led the first Morning Prayer of 2018… ‘For many of us a new year is an invitation to say good bye to what has been and look forward to what will be. It is also a chance to make those “new year resolutions”. From a spiritual…read article
Rhetoric Parent Day will take place on next Sunday 14th January 2018 as indicated on the school calendar. The day will begin at 09.30 and will end after 11.30 Mass. You are invited to lunch in the refectory should you and the boys wish to stay. Our main speaker on Sunday will be Fr Peter Sexton SJ,…read article