Duck Push Christmas Cards - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 27th November 2016

Fabulous Christmas Cards are now being sold in aid of the Duck Push, which purchases medical equipment for sick children. Everyone likes to support a charity at Christmas, and this charity is really worth it. Why not buy your cards now so you don’t leave it too late!?

The high quality Christmas cards feature art by Jacinta Crowley-Long that depict winter scenes of the castle at Clongowes.

Buy your cards at reception where you can also view samples before purchasing.

  • One pack of six cards cost just €6
  • 2 packs will cost €10
  • 3 packs for €15
  • 4 packs for €20

Call to reception to buy the cards or contact me directly by email:

I hope you consider supporting this brilliant charity and all in Syntax who will push the duck this May.

Kind Regards,

Fred Sargaison

Transition Year Duck Push

For almost twenty five years the Transition Year students in Clongowes have made raising money to buy a piece of life saving equipment for Crumlin Children’s Hospital an annual goal. Equipment to date has included portable ultra sound machines for use with children with limited mobility and machines to help diagnose cancer patients more quickly.

Last June 30 students accompanied by teachers took to the road again pushing the Duck from Crumlin Children’s Hospital in Dublin all the way to Limerick. Before pushing the Duck across the country over eight days in June students also raised money through a whole variety of activities during the year. These ranged from mini companies and pop up cafes to coffee mornings, barbecues and washing cars, making use of a host of abilities, talents and skills along the way.

Over €70,000 was raised and this year the funds will go towards equipment used in treating patients with cystic fibrosis. The main piece of equipment is a 3.7mm diametre video bronchoscope made by Pentax which will allow doctors to identify problems more accurately.

More here

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