Cyclone Anti-Bullying Workshop - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 17th October 2013

Last Thursday (10th October) the celebrated Cyclone Repertory Theatre Company from Cork brought their acclaimed Bullying Prevention Session to The Old Library in Clongowes for the boys of the Lower Line. Hugo Murray (Grammar Year Captain) was our man on the spot and this is how he saw it…

The workshop on bullying that the Cyclone Rep put on for Grammar students was filled with humour, drama and discussion.The rep started with a very entertaining drama, which featured five very talented actors. In the course of an hour they enacted many types of bullying as well as the sources and results of bullying. After this, the workshop was open to us to ask any questions we had on the play.

There followed a slide presentation, which aimed to teach us in detail the kinds of bullying and also how to prevent it. Armed with this new material from the slides we were asked to go into groups and come up with our own ways to make Clongowes a more bully-free environment. Each group came up with five and put forward their best three. These were then put into a list, which we have and will look to implement in the Clongowes community.

The Cyclone Rep were a great group of people. We really enjoyed the workshop and are thankful for their time and obvious hard work, from which we learnt an awful lot.’

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Thursday 13th February
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