Latest News on Reopening | Secondary School Kildare | Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 5th March 2018


The roads around Clongowes are passable but it is difficult to travel from Sallins to the school. The safest route to get here is via Kilcock. We are operating a ONE WAY SYSTEM this evening: in the FRONT avenue out the BACK avenue. Please observe this routine, as otherwise it will cause difficulty. If anyone feel the journey is arduous, PLEASE feel free to wait and return in the morning of tomorrow.

Clongowes remained closed on Sunday and re-opens on Monday evening, 5th March with classes resuming on Tuesday.

This decision was taken as the College remained surrounded by large volumes of snow, and access was via the front avenue only at this time with just a single lane open. Approach roads from Clane and Barberstown also remained very difficult.

Many support staff braved extraordinary conditions to get here for a few hours, while others lived in for the past few days; a big thank you to them. As more staff get into work on Monday we will be much better placed to receive students from early evening.


Cancellation of Swimming Pool Opening

It has been decided to cancel the official opening of the new Swimming Pool, which was due to have taken place on this coming Saturday (March 3rd). The Headmaster will reschedule another date in the near future. More here.

Cake Sale Deferred

The cake sale planned for next, Sunday 4th March, has been deferred until Sunday 22nd April, when a number of students from Syntax will host a cake sale with a difference after Sunday Mass in the Concourse area to raise funds for for Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin. More here.

Mass Broadcast Cancelled

Kairos Communications, who run RTE’s religious broadcasting, have decided to cancel Sunday’s live broadcast from Clongowes because of current weather conditions.

Rhetoric Dads’ Lunch Deferred

The Rhetoric Dads’ Lunch, due to take place on this coming Saturday (March 3rd) has been cancelled and will be re-arranged. Contact Shane Dowling for further information.

Declan O’Keeffe, Head of Communications

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