Jack Kavanagh is an Old Clongownian (2011) who had a serious accident last year. He is now wheelchair bound, with a C5 injury, which means that he has no feeling below his upper chest, has limited use of his arms, but no use of his hands or fingers. Since then Jack has consistently achieved beyond the expectations of his medical team (his diagnosis was actually amended due to the strides he made) and he is now back in TCD studying pharmacy. The Jack Kavanagh Trust was established so that Jack may continue to make progress and not let this catastrophic accident be the end of his plans.
The Jack Kavanagh Fundraising Committee is organising a great night out on Friday 1st November in the Mullingar Park Hotel with supper and dancing to the beat of Men in Black (see above for more details). Tickets at 35 euro are available from Dympna 086-2395170, Kate 086-8139418, Ann 086-8203169.
To find out more about the trust and the other ways in which you may help Jack visit www.jackkavanaghtrust.com