Santa Spottings around C.W.C. - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 14th December 2012

Syntax Social Outreach Programme


We had a very, very special visitor to Clongowes last Tuesday just as our friends from KARE were arriving. As luck would have it, Santa dropped by. Seeing as all the students here were busy with their exams, he decided to leave them to it. However, he made his way down to the Ref where the Syntax students were preparing to hold a Christmas party for all our visitors from KARE.

Santa got stuck in straight away, as Ms. Ghesquiere rocked out the tunes for musical chairs. He got us all up dancing to the Christmas songs and then, led a train around the Ref. Poor Ms. Cooke and her staff – the Ref was fully taken over!!

Things began to calm down a little when he decided to distribute a few gifts from his bag. He thought that the best way would be by playing pass the parcel and this gave us lots of laughs as some people were really fortunate to win some of the lovely gifts he brought with him.

Eimhin Behan was the luckiest student in Clongowes on Tuesday. Santa knew that it was his birthday and he took him over beside him and made us all sing Happy Birthday to him. We then tucked into some lovely mince pies and cream. Mrs. Maume, Mr. Kenny and Ms. Ghesquiere and myself were really happy to receive Santa on his visit. Rumour has it that after he left the Ref he went to add one last name to the naughty list. There is wide speculation that he was seen entering a certain Headmaster’s office!

Categories: Clongowes Stories
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