School of the Heart | Boarding School Ireland | Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 4th November 2017


Elements Parent Day will take place on Sunday 12th November 2017. The day will begin at 09.25 with refreshments in the concourse. Our speakers will be in room 3 at 09.55am; we will finish with Eucharist in the Sports Hall at 11.30, followed by an option to stay for lunch. Our presenter will be Fr Brendan McManus SJ and his theme will be

‘School of the Heart; Top Ten things about Jesuit Education/Spirituality’.

After studying psychology and I.T. at university, Brendan worked in the UK’s computer industry as an interface designer with Hewlett Packard. The desolation he felt with the ‘yuppie’ way of life forced him to resign and subsequently join the Jesuits in Dublin. In addition to his philosophy and theology studies, he also worked with young people leading retreats and pilgrimages. He currently works in the area of spirituality and spiritual accompaniment in Belfast and has just published the book Redemption Road: Grieving on the Camino, which deals with healing and recovery in the aftermath of his brother’s death.

We hope that you can attend. Please RSVP to or at 045 838294 ASAP and in your response please let us know if you will be staying for lunch so we can give accurate numbers to our catering staff.


Fr Michael Sheil SJ              Anne Marie Dolan               

Director of Ethos                  Pastoral Co-ordinator         

Subsequent to the Parent Day, you will receive an evaluation form and we would be very grateful if you would kindly share your reflections regarding this new format.


Categories: Clongowes Stories Ethos
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Virtual Open Evening

Our next Virtual Open Evening will take place on
Thursday 13th February
Click below for more information