Lenten Reconciliation Service - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 9th March 2017

Last night (Wednesday, 8th March) we held our annual Lenten Reconciliation Service in Clongowes. Led by the Rector, Fr Michael Sheil SJ the whole school came together in the Sports Hall at 9.15pm for a 40-minute liturgy exploring the nature of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the need for forgiveness in our lives. Using our newly installed AV technology to its full potential we reflected on taking responsibility for sin in our lives through Lenten videos, a clip from the film ‘Dead Man Walking’, the singing of Taizé chants and moments of silence.

At the conclusion of the liturgy, Rhetoric – the most senior students, in the college – were offered the opportunity to receive the Sacrament through making their individual confessions. Over the course of the next few weeks students from the other years will come to the Boys’ Chapel during their RE class period to avail of the Sacrament on an individual basis.

Mr Cyril Murphy, Director of Liturgy

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Thursday 13th February
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