Grammar Book Club has been enthusing about The Call written by Peadar Ó Guilín more than piqued their interest. Imagine an Ireland where teenagers everywhere will be ‘called’ by the fairies and will have to do everything in their powers to withstand three minutes of their wrath and brutality. It is the Sídhe’s retribution for the sins of the fathers. These creatures the Tuatha de Danann have been banished from their homeland by the Irish and few teenagers survive the ordeal; those who do are never the same.
Peadar, who left Clongowes thirty years ago, is due to return on Wednesday (October 26th) to read from his book. On hearing about the event, boys from the Grammar Book Club wrote to thank him and outlined a few questions they would like him to answer when he visits. They were delighted to receive a reply and gathered in the library for the opening of the envelope, a novelty in today’s world of email. They were impressed with the personalised response and look forward to his visit at the end of the month.
Ms Jane O’Loughlin, Librarian