Grammar v Mount Sackville - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 12th April 2016

Clongowes Wood College SJ

On Wednesday last, April 6th, an excited Grammar group hosted fellow third year students from Mount Sackville Secondary School in an annual social held in aid of Clongowes’ in house charity, the Duck Push…

As 7pm approached the excitement was palpable in the dormitories; shoes were being hectically shone, ties squared perfectly over closed top buttons, hair gel applied with precision and of course, deodorant and aftershave dispensed with great enthusiasm. Mr. Corcoran entered with a gas mask to fight off the fumes and informed us that our guests had arrived. The Grammar Year Council greeted the girls as they arrived and were shown to our venue for the evening, the school refectory.

As this was our third social with the girls from Mount Sackville, the evening allowed for the opportunity to rekindle old friendships and form friendships anew. Although we were hesitant upon entering the ref (and encountering old friends) our uneasiness quickly abated and both groups began to relax and enjoy each other’s company immensely.

The year groups were divided into teams for the table quiz, with many of the boys in Grammar describing the ratio as ‘healthy’! The teams were quizzed on a wide array of topics, which included Music, History, Religion and General Knowledge. As the first round drew to its conclusion it was neck and neck between tables 1 and 11, a theme that was maintained as the quiz gathered momentum. We paused halfway through for a quite entertaining musical performance by Mr Hugo O’ Donnell, who was playing the guitar and singing, accompanied by Mr Seán O’Grady, on cathán.

After light refreshments generously provided by Ms Ann Cooke and the ref staff, we resumed the rest of the quiz. As the climax neared tables 1 and 11 could not be separated and the contest entered a nail-biting tiebreaker. Eventually, table 1 emerged victorious guessing closer to the figure of how many Irishmen died in the trenches of the Great War. Table one, consisting of Conor McCabe, Tim O’Brien, Alana Clarke, Kelly Clarke, and Sarah Cronin, claimed the first prize of a Cadbury’s Egg and Spoon each.

Finally, Grammar Year Captain Sean Brogan, on behalf of all of the boys in Grammar, thanked the ladies, their prefects, their accompanying teachers, the ref staff, Mr Garry Corcoran and Mrs Eileen Lumb for making the splendid evening possible. Mount Sackville’s students departed from the college at roughly 9.15pm, after a thoroughly enjoyable evening. We are very grateful for their generous contribution to the Duck Push, and we look forward to welcoming them again in the future.

Aaron Clarke and Fred Sargaison (Grammar)


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