Rudiments Parent Day - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 31st October 2015

Clongowes Wood College SJ

This year, the Rudiments Parent Day will take place on Sunday, 8th November 2015 as indicated on the school calendar. Our guest speaker will be Ms Marguerite Kiely, Clinical Director for Children and Adolescents at Pieta House. Marguerite is also a Clinical Supervisor and continues to practice as a psychotherapist there as well as being involved in research.  She has been with Pieta House since 2006.

Marguerite’s presentation will be on adolescents and issues with which they present in relation to suicide and self harm. An overview will be given of the services available at Pieta House, the models of therapy used and advice on how to respond to issues which many young adolescents face.

The day will begin at approximately 09.30 with tea and coffee and will end by 1.00pm.  Lunch will be provided after Mass in the refectory, please let us know if you would like to stay for lunch.

Please RSVP to Liz Griffin at or 045 838294 before Wednesday 4th November.

Anne Marie Dolan                              Fr Michael Sheil SJ

Pastoral Co-ordinator                        Director of Ethos

Subsequent to the Parent Day, you will receive an evaluation form and we would be very grateful if you would kindly share your reflections regarding this new format.

Categories: Ethos
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