Elements of Rhythm
As if they hadn’t already announced themselves to the school community, Elements certainly made themselves known with a bang last weekend. Saturday saw the arrival of the Ma Samba drumming group who instructed the boys on one of the foundation stone of Brazilian culture. Armed with agogô bells, snares, shakers and tambourines the boys attempted to replicate the rhythmic sounds demonstrated by the group leaders.
Unsurprisingly, everyone took to their respective roles with gusto, making as much noise as could ever be permitted in the school. The rhythm of the Brazilian beat even attracted an inquisitive visit from an outside guest, in the form of Trampas, who stuck his nose in to see what the commotion was all about much to the amusement of the talented instructors and enthusiastic Elements. A well-deserved barbecue duly followed before the boys retired to recharge their batteries for the much anticipated the soccer blitz the next day.
Sunday Mass
Sunday saw the gathering of the extended Clongowes community in the Sports Hall for the first Mass of the school year. The occasion was a very special one for a number of young men in Rhetoric 2015, who were commissioned as Eucharistic ministers, accepting the call to administer the Eucharist both in the community of Clongowes as well as their local parishes. After the celebration the boys laced up their boots and made their way to the VMP artificial rugby pitch for the annual Elements’ soccer tournament.
The Beautiful Game
The house leaders kept a watchful eye over their protégés with some astounded not to see an oval ball on the pitch on a Sunday afternoon! The affair was enjoyed by all with some silky skills and tough tackling which will undoubtedly transfer into the rugby arena in due course. Loyola House eventually emerged victorious after some hard fought and evenly contested matches with Rhetoric 2020 proving a spirited, competitive, bunch on a sunny Sunday afternoon. The boys were both gracious in victory and humble in defeat, an encouraging sign of things to come for this precocious group.
Before it was time to retire indoors there was yet another treat in store as the boys tucked into hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows to unwind after a hectic weekend of activities.
All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable and exhausting weekend for both staff and students alike. To quote 80s dance queen Yazz, for Elements 2014 a visibly talented and immediately admirable group, ‘the only way is up, baby!’.
Garry Corcoran, Assistant Third Line Prefect