Alone and on Foot: Rudiments Parent Day - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 4th November 2013

This year, the Rudiments Parent Day will take place on Sunday 10th November 2013 as indicated on the school calendar.

The focus of the day will be a 2008 publication by Fr. Brian Grogan S.J. Alone and On Foot, a biography on the life of St. Ignatius. The book ‘allows Ignatius to tell his own story, and reveals him as a dissolute and feisty young man, who “stopped to think” only when his career was wrecked, who limped some 12,000 km of the roads of Europe trying to discover how best to “help people”, and who finally with his “friends in the Lord” founded the Society of Jesus. Alone and on Foot will serve as an encouragement to those trying to find God in the bustle of fast-paced life.’

We are very pleased to announce that Mr. Danny McNelis, Head of Religious Education and Retreats Organiser in Gonzaga College S.J. will be our guest speaker and will address questions such as:  Does my son feel loved?, Do I take time to reflect on my life?, What do I desire in my life? Does my life matter – to me? How can I enhance my life right now?

The day will begin at 10.15am with Eucharist and will end about 1.30pm. If you have not yet done so, please RSVP to Liz Griffin at or 045-838294

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