On Saturday 20th October the Senior Choir of C.W.C. along with the All Girls’ Choir of Loreto Balbriggan, were the Demonstration Choir for the Choir Workshop (S.A.T.B.) directed by Alan Leech at the P.P.M.T.A. (Post Primary Music Teachers’ Association) National Music Conference 2012, held in Malahide Dublin. Alan demonstrated several ‘best practice’ models, on how to get young people happily and fruitfully engaged in Choral Singing. He involved everyone – teachers & students – in warm ups, vocal technique and repertoire. The two choirs had worked in a workshop last April in C.W.C. with Alan. It was wonderful to work together again and build on the previous experience and also to share that knowledge with the music teachers at the conference. The two choirs were complimented on their beautiful sound, and their excellent conduct.
by Elizabeth Keighary & Photos by Nigel Brislane