Parents’/Ladies’ Associations - Clongowes Wood College

Posted: 1st October 2015

Clongowes Wood College SJ
The AGM of the Parents’ Association is scheduled for next Sunday 4th October at 6.15pm. That same afternoon at 4.45pm, Ireland play Italy in the Rugby World Cup and the match will probably not be over until about 6.25pm. In addition – due to Mr. Frank Kelly’s letter circularised to us all by email last Thursday 24th September – all the boys on day leave do not need to return to Clongowes until 8.45pm.
Therefore, and to facilitate parents being able to attend the AGM, please note the meeting has been put back until 8pm on the same day Sunday 4th October 2015
Peter Silvester Chairperson Parents Association []
The CWC Ladies’ Association first meeting of term will be held on the morning of Sunday 4th October at 10.00 in the Old Reception. The association is an easy and enjoyable way to meet and chat with other mothers / guardians in your son’s year or indeed other years and we would encourage all mothers and guardians to get involved.
Mary Healy Dooley <>
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